5005-1 Filer's Duty to Review Scanned Image

The filer of a paper document shall review the scanned image of the document within 14 days after filing. If no corrections to the scanned image are requested by the filer within the 14-day period, the image will stand as stored in the court’s database. Filed paper documents are not retained.

5005-3 Pro Se Filing.

Except for proofs of claim and petitions filed using court-approved electronic filing procedures, all papers filed by unrepresented parties must be submitted to the clerk in paper unless the court, for good cause, authorizes an unrepresented party to submit papers for filing by alternate means.

5005-2 Electronic Filing

(a)    Electronic Filing Policies and Procedures.  The clerk shall prepare and publish policies and procedures for electronic filing, which the clerk may amend from time to time.  These policies and procedures, which are exempt from the public notice and comment requirements for adoption of local rules, shall have the force of local rules.  A link to the policies and procedures will be available on the court’s web page.

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